Yes, I’m still alive. Barely…..
I guess a few people have been wondering where I’ve been lately. Readers?! You mean people read this? Cool.
I’ve been super busy of late helping to lead the National Writing Project in Vermont’s annual Summer Institute. I’ve had a great time with these folks and am learning a ton, much of which I hope to bring into my own classroom in the fall. It really amazes me sometimes how little we actually talk about pedagogy in higher ed. It’s been a revelation to me.
Here’s a picture of the group taken the other day.
The only downside (and it’s also an upside) to the whole gig is that it runs from about 8:30 to 3:30 four days a week, for the entire month. On top of all that, there’s my new job directing the Canadian Studies program (and we’re in the midst of huge changes that have to happen in the next few weeks for budget reasons) and there’s also my day job to consider…. I’m beat! I’ve not worked this hard in a long time. Needless to say, there have been days of late where I’ve been wondering about changing my line of work so I can actually get work done. I wonder if there’s an opening where this guy works….
More from me very soon….