Thoughts on culture, education, and having been a Canadian in the US
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Things I love about Alberta

I was roused from my depression about the latest election results in Alberta this week by my friends Richard and Richard who sent me a link to this hot news story from the homeland:

OTTAWA (AFP) – The town of Vulcan, hidden among oil wells, wheat fields and cow pastures of western Canada, is aiming to host the world premiere of the latest Star Trek movie, a spokeswoman said Friday.

[. . .] To capitalize on Star Trek tourism, since 1993 town councilors have donned Starfleet uniforms while conducting municipal business, couples have been married here in themed weddings and one man, who never lived in Vulcan, even chose to be buried in the town cemetery with a planetary “Federation” logo for a tombstone.

To prepare its proposal to host the Star Trek movie premiere, Dickens said she inquired with fellow small town Springfield, Vermont about their experience hosting “The Simpsons” movie premiere last summer.

Riverside, Iowa and Linlithgow, Scotland, the future birthplaces of series characters Captain Kirk and Mr. Scott, were invited to participate in the film launch festivities too.

“There are some logistical issues,” Dickens noted. The town has no cinema. “But we can definitely work around them,” she said, indicating that the local school hosts movie nights for townsfolk in its gymnasium bi-monthly.

Ah yes, “logistical issues”… Still, logistical issues never stopped St. Paul, Alberta from building their own UFO landing pad did they? Or what about the giant Easter egg in Vegreville? Now that’s the true “Alberta advantage,” if you ask me.

See, I feel better already. Don’t you? Thanks, guys.

1 comment

1 Heidi { 03.11.08 at 7:18 am }

Wait, there’s more. Don’t forget Glendon Alberta’s “roadside tribute to the perogy.” According to Wikipedia, their “Giant Perogy,” complete with fork, is 25 feet (7.6 m) tall